
Friday, January 3, 2014

The Beginning!

I have done Weight Watchers before, and it totally worked for me so I plan to do that again. I got online today and bought my first 3 months since it's currently half off- SCORE! I downloaded apps to my phone and stored my favorite foods. I am a firm believer that the meetings help me stay on I found a WW store in my area and I will be going to for my first weigh-in on Sunday morning. I will post my 'starting height/weight' on Sunday after I get weighed. I will also post my BEFORE pics and I'm going to take measurements. I love reading weight-loss blogs that have that I'm going to do the same for my readers. Stay tuned!
 In the meantime, here is the fattest pic of me I could find. This was Thanksgiving Day 2013. I looked through all of our December pics but I avoided the camera that entire month... yep, no pics of me for the scrapbook. That is not the way I want to be anymore.

***UPDATE*** Alright, so I attended my first meeting yesterday and there was such a positive vibe going on and it was very motivating!! There is an awesome group of people in my meeting! I weighed in at 201.


Hi! My name is Tina and I am a choco-holic.

I live in Colorado with my husband, Cowboy and our 18-month old daughter, Lady A. No, that's not really their names but for their privacy, that's what I will call them. I'm sure you understand.

I met my husband 3 years ago when we were stationed together at Fort Stewart, GA. My car broke down on post and he came along like a knight in shiny Chevy truck and whisked me off my feet. Literally, our story is a fairytale...that's how I see it anyway. We met that day and 6 days later, he proposed. 6 days after that, we were married. That's 12 days y'all! (oh, by the way, I'm from the South). It has not been easy but we are so in love and we just keep putting our faith in God and he sees us through all of our obstacles. Right before I gave birth, I left the Army so that I could stay home with my daughter and I don't regret any part of that decision. Once the Hubs was finished with the military as well, we moved to Colorado where he is initially from. It's beautiful. I love it.

Cowboy is very fit. Very. fit. He is so handsome (okay, I'm partial) and I secretly feel inferior when we are out in public. I feel like all of these hot girls are looking at him like "Why is HE with HER?" I hate that feeling. Am I the only one that thinks like this? I can't be! I want to be sexy again for him. Here's a pic of us from when we first met:
This was the night we were married. I was approx 160 here. I was a Soldier. I ran or did muscle failure every day. So I was pretty 'in shape'.

Lady A is my joy. She makes my heart smile all day, every day. But sometimes I can't keep up. I hate getting on the floor and chasing her...let me rephrase, I hate that my body hurts when I do this. I want to be healthy for her. Here's a pic of her:
I cropped my body out of this picture the best I could. ugh, I hate that!

There you have it! This is my introduction.

It's Time.

I have decided to lose the weight. All of it.

I'm over it. I'm past the excuses. I'm over buying fat clothes. I'm over looking in the mirror and not liking what I see. I'm over trying to catch my breath when I climb our flight of stairs. I'm over not being able to shop at stores I desperately long to shop in. I'm over not feeling sexy enough for my husband.

Now, don't get me wrong. I have a wonderful life. I'm so happy being a stay-at-home-mom to my BEAUTIFUL daughter. I love living out the 'traditional' role of a homemaker. My husband is very supportive in everything I do and I love him dearly. But I'm fat. And my life just feels incomplete because I'm not happy with myself.

I have attempted losing weight several times the last few years and every attempt has not been a success because, let's face it- I'm lazy and I love food. So, this time, I am bearing my soul to anyone reading this blog and I'm not sharing it with my family. Although they won't give me a direct eye roll and "you gonna try again?" ...I'd rather share this blog with them once they actually SEE ME reaching my goal. And as for you guys, are there to hold me accountable. I need to be accountable to someone other than my choco-holic self.

So, all that said, it's time. IT'S TIME.